The intertrigo treatment for an affected area is to keep it dry, clean, and cool. How do you keep the area under your breast dry? Choose the right bra. All types of psoriasis, including inverse psoriasis, do not cause the skin to smell. Candida is white in appearance, so a severe skin infection will be white in color in some places. Intertrigo develops when the combination of friction and trapped moisture softens and irritates the skin and causes it to break down. 9k. Both sides are commonly affected. What Does Intertrigo Smell Like?An intertrigo rash brought on by a breast yeast infection will appear red or reddish-brown and possibly raw looking. It is most often associated with secondary bacterial or fungal infections and a pathogenic flora (e. When I was a teenager, I suffered from intertrigo every summer. Bad odor. With intertrigo, these areas become inflamed and appear red-brown and sometimes scaly. When intertrigo causes an infection, the rash may give off a foul smell, and the bumps may ooze or fill with pus. When to See a Doctor. Can intertrigo spread? No, intertrigo is not contagious from one person to another. When skin rubs against skin, it causes friction and creates a warm, moist environment that is ideal for fungal and bacterial growth. the skin can crack, bleed, and produce a foul odor. . This Rash Really Stinks! A 50-year-old woman is referred to dermatology with a “yeast” infection of several years’ duration. In some cases, it can lead to a creamy coloured discharge with a pungent (strong) smell. The combination of being an extra sweaty, hormonal teenager who was carrying extra weight and had big boobs in ill-fitting bras did not do me any favors. Zeichner says. It can be caused by fungi, bacteria, or yeast. "Trapped moisture, heat and friction leads to skin inflammation, redness and sometimes a foul odor. Separated odor: Twelve (12) subjects had odor on Day 1. What does infected intertrigo look like? Infected intertrigo appears crusty with blisters and may ooze with transparent fluids or pus. Intertrigo is skin maceration in intertriginous areas caused by moisture and/or infection. Chronic intertrigo may take two or three weeks and can be treated by antimicrobial medications (oral, powder, creams or ointments). Intertrigo is the most prevalent skin disease in obese people. Intertrigo. intertrigo smell . The affected intertriginous skin zones may experience burning sensations, redness, and itchiness. The treatment for intertrigo blisters will depend on the underlying cause. However, if a person has an infection due to intertrigo in one part. Causes of intertrigo (dark inner thighs) Intertrigo affects the top layers of. Remembering to keep the belly button clean, and drying it thoroughly after. Signs of an infection include a worsening of intertrigo symptoms and a musty or foul odor. Chafing causes a rash of red skin or brown skin that can get. Intertrigo with Psoriasis: This type of intertrigo occurs in people with psoriasis and is characterized by red, scaly patches of skin in the skin. Secondary bacterial and fungal infections should be treated with topical or oral antibiotics or antifungals. It is a spreading, red rash that occurs anywhere skin rubs together. Using cornstarch to keep the area dry and friction free 6. Bright red, well-defined weeping patches and plaques are seen in the folds of the neck, armpits, elbow pits, groin, finger and toe webs, or backs of the knees. Fungus. The skin may appear bumpy, and it may burn, feel itchy, or feel raw. Do the following things at the first sign of intertrigo, and you may be able to quickly treat it: Gently dry the affected area with a soft towel several times a day. Intertrigo, on the other hand, is not an autoimmune condition. Chafing can happen or worsen from: sweat, wetness, or moisture. Intertrigo is a rash that forms in the folds of the skin. 7 Watch the short video to learn more about intertrigo, and how InterDry helps resolve this common condition. Hydrocortisone Cream. Intertrigo is skin maceration in intertriginous areas caused by moisture and/or infection. Bromhidrosis is a chronic condition in which. This type of intertrigo is caused by a candida infection. It is most often found in underarms, tummy folds, back rolls, groin, thigh creases, under breasts and neck folds. Intertrigo can also be caused by bacteria and other fungus. Does intertrigo have an odor? Intertrigo can also affect the skin between the buttocks. You cannot catch it from or pass it to another person. If the rash is not infected, it is typically symmetrical. It mainly affects the top layers of the skin. In severe cases, intertrigo may cause a foul odor, and the skin may crack and bleed. Listerine also kills microbes. An autoimmune disease can develop when your body’s. The areas most commonly affected are warm, moist areas such as under the breasts. In men the scrotum may also be itchy. Tip: Blow your skin with a hair dryer set at its lowest setting 2 to 3 times a day to keep your skin dry. Intertrigo (intertriginous dermatitis) is an inflammatory condition of skin folds, induced or aggravated by heat, moisture, maceration, friction, and lack of air circulation. Insertion of the Three-Piece Penile Prosthesis may pose a significant problem in patients with hydrocele. All types of psoriasis, including inverse psoriasis, do not cause the skin to smell. 522. crossing your legs while sitting. Gold Bond powder can be useful. Other trigger factors include humidity, hyperhidrosis, poor hygiene and use of wool and synthetic fibers. Rosacea (roe-ZAY-she-uh) is a long-term (chronic) skin condition of adults that causes facial flushing. It is very common, especially among overweight people or those with diabetes. There are often associated superficial satellite papules or pustules. In some cases, it can lead to a creamy coloured discharge with a pungent smell. It is common for people to develop skin rashes in areas of the body where skin folds occur. Symptoms of fungal infections include severe redness, flaking, itching and blisters. 2. patches of small round bumps. It is clinically characterized by. What does intertrigo smell like? Symptoms of intertrigo include itching and burning in the intertriginous zones. Tip: Blow your skin with a hair dryer set at its lowest setting 2 to 3 times a day to keep your skin dry. In that situation, crusting, erosions, and other complications can occur. Cracked dry skin that flakes. 2. Rinse off in the shower with warm water and pat your skin dry. 522. A dark warm area along with skin on skin friction will harbor bacteria, fungus and yeast. Carol DerSarkissian on WebMD says that intertrigo in the genital area at the scrotum can also cause a red rash that is very itchy and oozes fluid. itchy and raw skin that does not have an odor; Treatment for intertrigo often includes: keeping. This good article about intertrigo will provide a thorough understanding of the problem and is available free full-text online. An intertrigo rash brought on by a breast yeast infection will appear red or reddish-brown and possibly raw looking. Inverse Psoriasis . A yeast infection under the breast usually looks like a raised, shiny, reddish-brown rash where the skin folds under the breast. With intertrigo, these areas become inflamed and appear red-brown and sometimes scaly. Under certain conditions, fungal skin infections (intertrigo) can develop in moist areas, such as the skin folds of the stomach, under the breasts and between the fingers and toes. This Rash Really Stinks! A 50-year-old woman is referred to dermatology with a “yeast” infection of several years’ duration. Reply mysterytemp This user has not yet been verified. Back pain is one of the most commonly reported woes of big busted women, until now. groin. Excessive body odor can also occur with stress sweat. Recurrent intertrigo. Sweat rash most commonly appears in areas where your skin rubs together and where there is less air ci The area may have an unpleasant smell. Hematuria is more likely to be seen. This skin condition is common under the breasts, inthe groin area, and under the tummy fold. Secondary infection with bacterial or fungal infection is common. Under certain conditions, however, Candida can overgrow on mucous membranes and moist areas of the skin. It is most commonly found in the armpits and groin area. Thanks to the fungi-fighting bacteria in your body and your immune system, this type of Candida normally doesn’t cause problems. With intertrigo, these areas become inflamed and appear red-brown and sometimes scaly. , Staphylococcus aureus or Candida albicans). I know this doesn't really address your actual question, and you aren't here for medical suggestions, but I thought it worth mentioning, just in case. In severe cases, there may be a bad odor. Other tests may include:The appearance of intertrigo is dependent on the area of skin involved. Symptoms include a bright red rash under your breasts and on your upper torso. Some of the areas where intertrigo can develop include (Metin, 2018): Armpits. A smelly rash under the breasts could signal a different condition, such as a bacterial skin infection. Rashes in in skin folds ( intertrigo ), such as under your breast, are generally caused by the following: viral or bacterial infections such as shingles (viral) or yeast (bacterial) skin friction. Why is my groin wet and smell? Sweating. About Antiperspitants: See Dermnet. Health care providers have recommended moisture-wicking textile with silver for under-breast. Occasionally, long-standing intertrigo may produce a musty smell. It may burn. Intertrigo. The. It also may affect antecubital fossae; umbilical, perineal, or interdigital areas; neck creases; and folds of the eyelids. Intertrigo is an inflammatory condition of skinfolds caused by skin-on-skin friction. By Sheliton - 18/01/2012 01:39 - United States. Why do my fat rolls smell?InterDry with FourFold Technology™ simultaneously addresses all four causes of intertrigo. Healthy bacteria help balance the amount of yeast and disruption of this balance leads to an infection. TL;DR: I have painful, raw, itchy intertrigo under my belly and in my groin, and have already tried more washing, more drying, various antifungals and anti-moisture products, and physical barriers to prevent friction, but these just barely keep it at bay. It can also lead to other complications such as a yeast or bacterial infection. Perianal irritant contact dermatitis can be due to: Faecal soiling resulting from an incompetent anal sphincter; Skin irritants in skin cleansers and. Wear moisture-wicking fabrics. Inverse psoriasis Inverse psoriasis causes inflammation and smooth patches of redness on the skin, which become worse with sweat and friction. Yeast infections under your breasts are a common fungal infection caused by a yeast called Candida. Any breakdown, cuts, or cracks in the skin may allow this organism to penetrate. Armpits and groin. The symptoms of intertrigo include: Roughly symmetrical red or reddish-brown rash with small bumps. The most common areas affected include larger skin-fold areas such as: Armpits What is Intertrigo? Irritation found in deeper skin folds is called intertrigo. The primary risk factors are associated with a. Intertrigo, or intertriginous dermatitis, is a common inflammatory condition of skin folds characterized by moist erythema, malodor, weeping, pruritus, and tenderness (picture 1A-D). The neck is the most frequent loca-tion but all the intertriginous areas may be involved, bilater-ally or often unilaterally. Unlike psoriasis, intertrigo is caused by an infection that arises from a. In some cases, the skin may also show cracks and crusts. Intertrigo is a rash that usually affects the folds of the skin, where the skin rubs together or where it is often moist. Mild itching may be present. Why does the underside of my breast smell? September 12, 2022. When intertrigo causes an infection, the rash may give off a foul smell, and the bumps may ooze or fill with pus. A yeast infection under the breast usually looks like a raised, shiny, reddish-brown rash where the skin folds under the breast. The affected area is red, irritated, itchy, or a combination. This. The affected skin can become moistened and macerated, leading to fissure (cracks) and flaking. Intertrigo frequently is worsened by infection, which most commonly is with Candida species. intertrigo treatment . The skin may appear bumpy, and it may burn, feel itchy, or feel raw. Tinea cruris, also known as jock itch, is an infection involving the genital, pubic, perineal, and perianal skin caused by pathogenic fungi known as dermatophytes. Here are five signs and symptoms of intertrigo that you should be aware of: 1. The intertrigo treatment for an affected area is to keep it dry, clean, and cool. You can promote healing by understanding the skin condition, its causes, symptoms and treatment options, including the latest product technology innovations. Subcutaneous fungal infectionsIntertrigo is a common type of inflammatory rash caused by skin rubbing against another plane of skin which creates friction. You may also notice cracked or crusty skin around the breast or patches of small round bumps that ooze and emit a. It doesn't get any simpler than that. Intertrigo is a rash found mainly in a baby’s skin folds, especially in the neck. These germs trigger your immune system to react, which leads to skin inflammation and rash. Intertrigo, or intertriginous dermatitis, is a type of skin rash affecting the skin folds and areas where skin rubs together. What does intertrigo smell like? Symptoms of intertrigo include itching and burning in the intertriginous zones. Perfect for athletes and those who frequent the gym, this antifungal body wash is pretty reliable in getting rid of odor and fungal infections like intertrigo. Obesity is a predisposing factor. Different Kinds Of Intertrigo. The areas most commonly affected are warm, moist areas such as under the breasts. 15 . Add a few drops of water to a teaspoon of baking soda. Slight erythema remains. It is typically marketed to treat jock itch or athlete’s foot. Also known as candida intertrigo, sweat rash is a superficial skin inflammation caused by yeast and bacteria. Some people also develop small, acne-like bumps on the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin. Streptococcal intertrigo is a skin condition that is secondary to a streptococcal bacterial infection. This breakdown often leads to infection by yeast or bacteria. Candidal intertrigo ( Figure 3 ) is often associated with a foul-smelling odor. Occasionally, long-standing intertrigo may produce a musty smell. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is commonly found transiently on the skin, especially in the axillary and anogenital regions, and readily colonises ulcers and moist skin. In brachycephalic dogs, the facial fold and tail folds are most commonly. That’s because the condition makes it easier for bacteria, as well as yeast and other fungi (which thrive in warm, moist environments), to flourish. Prevalence of intertrigo in the large skin folds varies from 6% in hospital patients to 17% in nursing home clients and 20% in home care patients [6–12]. In inverse psoriasis, a person’s immune system triggers chronic inflammation. The condition is caused by moisture and friction and is characterized by erythema, maceration, burning, and exudation. The affected skin may be crusty or cracked, ooze, and emit a foul smell. Why do I smell like bread dough when I sweat? Yeast infections can affect people with penises and vaginas. Buttocks. However, GABHS intertrigo has a weepy appearance and a foul smell, which is the main distinguishing characteristic. Intertrigo can be classified or differentiated based on the origin of the inflammation: 1. Skin fold pockets are warm and moist, providing a perfect place for bacteria and yeast to grow. Thrush. I got a bad patch of Intertrigo in skin folds. Itching and/or tenderness. Treatment is with topical antifungals. Signs & Symptoms. Your baby may not notice it at all or it may cause some pain, depending. It also may affect antecubital fossae; umbilical, perineal, or interdigital areas; neck creases; and folds of the eyelids. Fungus. Intertrigo affects the top layers of skin. Intertrigo occurs when heat and moisture become trapped between the skin folds, resulting in the growth of yeast, fungi, or bacteria. If you utilize an ointment to your intertrigo, don’t use it and powder on the identical time. Also known as intertrigo, sweat rash is an inflammation of the skin that occurs when your skin is moist and has been subjected to friction. 2. This condition, which causes a rash, develops in folds of the skin, such as those in the belly, under the breasts, and in the. Fear and Stress. Intertrigo is an unusual problem, but one that can lead to itching, pain, redness and more in as little as a few hours. intertrigo groin . Low Blood Sugar. In individuals with this type of condition, the areas get more irritated and itchy when skin-on-skin friction in moist and warm areas occur. 2. Ketones–byproducts of the breakdown of fat–begin to build-up in the body with negative. Treatment depends on the cause and severity of the infection. 9. The hospice nurse is going to bring her a cream and recommended a daily bath until it heals and at least every other. You can prevent yeast infections by using a drying powder under your breasts. The folds of the neck, behind the ears, under the arms and between the fingers and toes are some of the places most commonly affected by intertrigo. Separate skin surfaces with gauze or cotton. Can you smell chafe? The symptoms of chafed skin and intertrigo are similar, but intertrigo can be more severe and lead to a rash or oozing skin that is raw and itchy, a strong and unpleasant odor, and cracked skin. At Lume, we like to say sweat happens, but odor doesn’t have to. The aim of this scoping review was to systematically map, review and synthesise. Intertrigo rash typically appears red, reddish-brown, or discolored. In some cases, it can lead to a creamy coloured discharge with a pungent (strong) smell. And the smell is delightful. You need to shower every day (especially after excessive sweating or physical activity) and properly dry yourself with a clean towel by gently tapping it on your skin, rather than rubbing it forcefully. Remember that air is your ally in the war against sweat. [27F 145#] I. It is. burning. Intertrigo: Intertrigo affects the top layers of skin. heat and humidity. Intertrigo can happen when skin gets irritated by heat, humidity or friction (i. Intertrigo patients complain of redness, burning, and itching in the skin folds, most commonly in the groin, under the breast, and in the armpits. g. Secondary bacterial infections may occur in broken or abraded skin. I spent a ton of money and years of my life to become a health care provider apparently to treat the yeast infection between an obese woman's fat folds. Other bodily secretions, such as saliva, sweat, urine, and feces, can irritate the skin and cause intertrigo. See your dermatologist for therapy. Intertrigo. The skin usually becomes pink, red or brown. Symptoms included severe erythema, denudement, maceration, satellite lesions, slight odor and complaints of itching/burning. Ultimately, the smell of intertrigo is largely personal. The warm, moist environment is the perfect place for. It happens in skin folds where your skin rubs together and is intensified by heat and moisture. Psoriasis is a. Your dermatologist can treat the bites themselves with a potent topical steroid, but the infestation will need. Fights bacteria with antimicrobial silver in the fabric. Fights bacteria with antimicrobial silver in the fabric. The skin usually becomes pink, red or brown. 2, 2013 ). Intertrigo . Coconut oil may reduce inflammatory triggers caused due to infections and treats intertrigo. It mainly affects the top layers of the skin. Do not wear tight shoes. Yeast infections underneath or around the breasts can cause intertrigo, a rash that develops in. This. DerSarkissian recommends trying to keep your skin dry and cool. Intertrigo is a common inflammatory skin condition. Thrush can cause a breast rash that is raised, swollen, tender, shiny, and red. Why does intertrigo smell? Sweat rash (intertrigo) symptoms start as a red rash in your skin folds that may itch, sting or burn. The belly button skin will be red, may itch and can develop scale and a foul smell. Intertrigo is a rash caused by trapped moisture and sweat. Such an environment encourages skin breakdown and can lead to fungal, viral, or bacterial. Intertrigo can also cause a serious infection known as cellulitis. Diagnosis is by clinical appearance and by potassium hydroxide wet mount. Intertrigo occurs most often in the skin folds under the breasts and in the groin area. The condition causes considerable discomfort, especially during hot weather when the rash emits a very objectionable odor. Uncomplicated, uninfected intertrigo can be treated with barrier ointments, such as petrolatum (such as Vaseline) and zinc oxide (such as Desitin). Psoriasis. Burning, stinging, or itching is also common. Intertrigo frequently is worsened or colonized by infection, which most commonly is candidal but also may be bacterial or viral or due to other fungal infection. Intertrigo can be treated by reducing friction and moisture in the armpit. 3. Intertrigo skin rash. Intertrigo rash treatment If a red, painful and sometimes smelly intertrigo rash continues to flare up, despite following the skin care recommendations above. “When skin touches skin it impedes the ability for sweat to evaporate,” he explains "This means that the area under your breasts can accumulate sweatIntertrigo-affected skin is swollen, red, and uncomfortable. The result can be a red, irritated, and inflamed skin rash that sometimes has a smell. Intertrigo is not dangerous but if left untreated, it may get worse and possibly spread to other parts of the body. It appears as moist, erythematous and scaly areas in the flexures. Intertrigo is similar to inverse psoriasis, and also appears in the folds of skin around the: breasts. Keep skin cool and dry. Look for a few tell-tale signs: 1) waking with more bites than were present when you went to bed, 2) rusty red/brown stains on bed sheets, or 3) smelling a musty or sweet smell (which can be a sign of a well-established infestation). Symptoms that accompany the rash can include: burning; itching; stinging ; tingling; As the skin breaks down, you may also experience: weeping. It is most often found in underarms, tummy folds, back rolls, groin, thigh creases, under breasts and neck folds. Fungal infections often occur in areas that are warm and moist, which makes the skin under the belly an ideal breeding ground. The odor may be a sign that the rash. " The warmth and moisture of your armpit. Sometimes the skin may also be wrinkled. It is often seen in infants and young children and can be characterized by a fiery-red color of the skin, foul odor with an absence of satellite lesions , [1] and skin softening (due to moisture) in the neck, armpits or folds of the groin. Intertrigo is a skin condition that occurs when two skin surfaces rub against each other. It can be itchy or painful, but it’s not. The odor may be a sign that the rash has become infected with candida (yeast). How you know you have it: If you have this skin condition, you’ll develop a raw, red rash that itches and stings, usually in areas that contain lots of moisture from sweating, Dr. Intertrigo develops when friction and trapped moisture in intertriginous areas cause skin maceration. Candidal intertrigo (Figure 2) is often associated with a foul-smelling odor. Treatment. Causes. Watch the short video to learn more about intertrigo, and how InterDry helps resolve this common. Diabetes Smoking Alcohol. It commonly presents as a tender red rash with pustules and other satellite lesions. Intertrigo is a skin condition that causes red, inflamed skin in skin folds, where your skin surfaces rub against each other. How do you get rid of a rash under belly fat? A barrier cream may be recommended to help protect skin from irritants. The patches can vary in size, and. itchy and raw skin that does not have an odor; Treatment for intertrigo often includes: keeping. Intertrigo under. The woman’s skin was very red and sore. In females symptoms of interigo are a white cheesy discharge that typically itches and irritates the vagina and surrounding outer tissues. nausea. With intertrigo, these areas become inflamed and appear red-brown and sometimes scaly. The main causes of intertrigo are sweat rashes, ‘skin to skin’ rubbing and the growth of yeast which appears as a rash in the skin fold under the breast. Intertrigo, or skin fold dermatitis, is caused by frictional trauma resulting in inflammation and/or microbial overgrowth of closely apposed skin surfaces. Intertrigo is skin maceration in intertriginous areas caused by moisture and/or infection. What Does Intertrigo Smell Like. Armpit yeast infections don’t normally cause a smell or odor. Homeopathic Medicines for Intertrigo 1. Treatments for diaper rash include antibiotic creams, lotions, natural home remedies, over-the-counter (OTC) medicine, and oral antibiotics. in News. With intertrigo, these areas become inflamed and appear red-brown and. If the skin is very moist, it may begin to break down. Belly button yeast infections don’t usually cause a smell or odor. Treatment. 2. Intertrigo (intertriginous dermatitis) is an inflammatory condition of skin folds, induced or aggravated by heat, moisture, maceration, friction, and lack of air circulation. The florid, white, scaly rash under her breasts is a stark contrast to the patient’s type. Intertrigo develops when the combination of friction and trapped moisture softens and irritates the skin and causes it to break down. Intertrigo is an infection that causes a rash on the body, usually in places where the body rubs together. Signs of an infection include a worsening of intertrigo symptoms and a musty or foul odor. 0. SHARES. Applying cotton compresses saturated with a drying solution such as Burow’s solution to the skin folds for 20 to 30 minutes several times a day can also help the rash heal. GABHS intertrigo is clinically similar to candidal intertrigo; both conditions appear in the same areas. You Have Intertrigo. The friction, maceration, warmth, sweating, and moisture often lead to a candidal infection, or less often, a bacterial infection. This approach has worked well for most of my intertrigo patients for many years. Eventually it can lead to persistent flushing in the face and tiny broken blood vessels on the nose and cheeks. What does intertrigo smell like? Occasionally, long-standing intertrigo may produce a musty smell. Washing the belly button should solve the problem of a bad smell if this is due to a buildup of dirt and germs. Intertrigo is a rash that occurs when skin rubs against skin. Inverse psoriasis is an unusual form of psoriasis. Can I use diaper rash cream under breasts? Some people find that a diaper cream containing zinc oxide can be helpful. Occasionally, long-standing intertrigo may produce a musty smell. Emanuel Bronner had a simple goal: To create a revolutionary moral philosophy that would. The common sites for erythrasma are armpits, groin and between the toes. Intertrigo is skin maceration in intertriginous areas caused by moisture and/or infection. Intertrigo tends to emerge in damp, warm and sweat-prone areas, where bacteria, fungi and yeast also congregate. If the skin is very moist, it may begin to break down. Intertrigo is a skin condition that is caused by skin rubbing together in skin folds. In some women, snug underwear can trigger symptoms of a painful condition known as vulvodynia (so can inserting a tampon and having sex). This is often caused by bacteria or fungi that thrive in warm and moist environments, such as skin folds. This combination can worsen the rash and even result in a noticeable odor. It can cause a foul odor and may crack and bleed. Buttocks. Intertrigo can occur:. For your patients, it’s unpleasant and painful. Intertrigo (intertriginous dermatitis) is an inflammatory condition of skin folds, induced or aggravated by heat, moisture, maceration, friction, and lack of air circulation. Go for loose, dark tops. Intertrigo is a superficial inflammatory skin condition of the skin's flexural surfaces, prompted or irritated by warm temperatures, friction, moisture, maceration, and poor ventilation. What causes intertrigo? Intertrigo is. Candida is a yeast that normally resides on the skin and in the mouth, digestive tract, and vagina and usually causes no harm. What are the symptoms of intertrigo? The main symptoms are: Inflammation Soreness / discomfort. Belly button infection. You can prevent yeast infections by using a drying powder under your breasts. In severe cases, infected areas may ooze or even have a foul odor. 3. Slideshow. On darker skin, erythrasma can look like a patch of skin with. intertrigo mayo clinic . Diabetic ketoacidosis is a complication of diabetes 3. Initiating factors include moisture and friction associated with an absence of air circulation in deep skin folds.